Whatever the word Goddess means to you, these tips will ground you and uplift you into a deeper knowing of your perfect and whole nature. I find that when I engage in these activities with the intention of getting to know myself better, I am filled with inspiration, love and joy. I feel connected to and empowered by all the beautiful women around me. By shining a light on our own beauty we have the power to give permission to other women to radiate their own.
Is noting more sexy and attractive for men (and some women) to see a woman who is secure of herself, a woman who lives through her essence and the essence of a woman is her Uniqueness, but, How do we access our uniqueness? By connecting to our values (who we are), our knowledge (what we know in life) and bringing it together, we call it“Intuition”. Sometimes we are afraid to believe it, or we try to impose our desires or we let the wheel of our busy life take place there and that's when we start to lose it... the root of our intuition is our Soul.
And the soul is the playground of the goddess, the access to your soul is access to your emotions. And like a muscle, we need to exercise it as much we can to get it into a good/healthy shape.
Here are 5 Tips that helps me connect with my inner Goddess:
1. Rituals (Spiritual Practice)
This is a sacred time to connect deeply with our intentions. It can be done any time, alone or with other women. Rituals provide a safe and loving space to release what no longer serves us and invite in what we need. It is a space where we can plant seeds of change and shed what information we no longer require.
Below are some examples of rituals:
Yoga, Exercise, Meditation, Visualization, Journaling, Beauty Treatments, etc
2. Create
As women, we were given the incredible gift of creation. Even if we choose not to, we can all recognize our amazing ability to create and sustain life. Realizing how crazy powerful we are can be scary but it is also incredibly inspiring because it allows us to remember that we have everything we need to create and be creative. When we have the chance to create we also have the chance to release—release what no longer serves us, release tension, negativity, doubt, fear, shame.
Draw, Paint, Cook, Sculpt, Play a Musical Instrument, Sing, Design, etc
3. Honor Your Boundaries
Forget about trying to please everyone and love yourself enough to say no to draining demands. Bless and release toxic relationships and patterns while keeping the lessons and growth. Stand firm in the power of an authentic no. A goddess isn’t a superwoman who does it all, she is a happy woman who does only what she wants and values.
4. Connect With Other Goddesses
Find a local women's circle, have potluck with your best lady friends, Lose the phone, technology and gossip. Better yet, go to a Wine & Business Night hosted by Pens & Heels. It is a beautiful feeling to connect with other inspired women and have the chance to share energy with them. It offers a huge dose of connection, inspiration, empowerment and gratitude. Create space to appreciate their divine qualities as well as your own.
5. Honoring Your Sexiness
Your body is your temple. Love it, take care of it, feed its sexual appetite. The Goddess is sexually activated even when she is not in relationship. She uses her sexual energy as a power source, enabling her to create, express and flourish. She does not leak her energy all over the shop, she is wise and discerning about who she shares energy with. She is healing her sexual wounds and thriving on her own wild energy, she lets life excite her, she celebrates beauty and feeling, she touches herself, she is self sustaining, she feels comfortable in her own skin.
About the Author :
Liseth Lambright is a Venezuelan self-made entrepreneur who manifested her vision in the United States by becoming a Master Certified Coach (with specialties in wellness, life and relationship coaching) with a Holistic MBA and who now works with women to unleash the power of their sacred feminine birthright to live passionate lives of their choosing. To learn more about Liseth click HERE!
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